Saturday, October 25, 2008

i'm having trouble deciding what fonts to use for the word SEX... 
the space around the head will also be completely filled with facts about sex. 
i tried handwriting the type around the head and unfortunately, it didn't fit will with the rest of the piece so i decided to set the type instead.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

after changing my idea 102938102983 times on how to present my stats, i finally settled on this...

this is still a work in progress, of course. there will be handwritten facts about sex filling the blue/purple space around the head and there will be a sort of line graph inside the bodies with percentages of various sex statistics. there will also be more blocks of color to fill the rest of the space in the 2nd outer outline of the head and in them, more numbers on various sex statistics. i seriously underestimated how hard this would be and how much time this would take omgsh. haha.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

ok so i've decided that my infographic will be on various sex statistics as well as a few interesting sex facts. i've made quite a few sketches on different concepts for the infographic and i think i've finally come up with one that i like! 

will post the computerized version later today after working on it some more.

Friday, October 10, 2008

ok so i have narrowed my info graphics choices down to either 

-fetishes (most common, least common, strangest, between what age groups, what gender, etc.)  or 

-most popular sex positions (between hetero couples, gay couples, bi couples, male, female, etc.) 

-orrr just general statistics on sex (how many times a year, stds transmitted, how many fake orgasms, one night stands, etc.)

which do you guys think sounds more interesting? 

Saturday, October 4, 2008

new one:
for this one i'm contemplating whether or not i should take out the text in the bg.. what do you guys think?

revision in progress:

i feel like this one looks a little...empty? i'm not sure what to do with it i'm stuck! any suggestions?